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Solid, solid, solid as the rock

Dear friend,

Just read this - the Bermudian premier firing the opening salvo in the election campaign he has just started

You can also see it on YouTube

Bermuda politics is like no other. No wonder us outsiders should steer well clear.

But do you find this form of rhetoric frightening? I'm really not sure what to make of it, but then that's the point - I'm just not a Bermudian.

Whatever you think it is the sort of thing that can help foster lingering doubts.

It's hardly panic-inducing, but it's the sort of speech that makes the CEO have a quiet word with the COO and the CFO just to double check on contingency plans.

It's a bit like the incredible hulk:

"You wouldn't like me when I'm angry"

I don't think I'd ever like to risk invoking Dr Brown's wrath.

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